Tanzania emblem
The United Republic of Tanzania

Export Processing Zones Authority

Export Processing Zones Authority


Tanzania attracts investors

Earlier today, the Director General of EPZA Mr. Charles Itembe in his office has held a meeting with a guest from China Mrs. Motto Ma who is the Director General of one of the largest industrial parks in Africa. Ms. Motto Ma has expressed the intention of his company to establish a very large Special Economic Zone in Tanzania which will have many factories to produce various products including construction products, agriculture, household products, Textile etc. The Special Economic Zone expects to provide jobs for at least 30,000 people through direct employment.

The areas that have been discussed for the project include Bagamoyo SEZ, Kwala SEZ and Kigoma SEZ.

EPZA is ready to work closely with various investors, and ensure that Tanzania becomes an industrial country, Mrs. Motto Ma has explained that the signs of the industrial wave are heading towards Africa, that is why they are more interested in investing in Tanzania because it is a country with many resources, a large market from the countries surrounding Tanzania, Ports and a Peaceful Government under its President Hon. Samia Suhuhu Hassan who has continued to give confidence to investors that Tanzania is the right country for investment.